One of the most frustrating aspects of my campaign is that I can't get to the newly separated couple (Fathers esp) and warn them not to entre this murky world of the Family Law industry soon enough to prevent them passing through, lemming style, as we all do in an attempt to settle matters for the true best interest of our children* and an attempt to keep normality and stability in the aftermath of separation!
The best interest of the children is the mantra you will hear time and again from this lot but their actions are further from this truth then you may think, why is it in the Lawyers best interest to settle your desired goal when at £200 per hour for a solicitor and £2000 per court appearance what possible incentive is there for these professional fee earners to solve your problem anytime soon? (Please refer to my earlier blog 'Degree Absolute and Bob Berman's $500 Onterio The simple answer is none and did you notice that your relationship with your ex partner was far more aggravated once these vultures become involved then before and very few advocate mediation again why should they? In fact I have just learned that the firm I used (Illustrated) actually supports a Hospice, which is ironic when you learn the statistics of those committing suicide as a result of the trauma caused by involvement of Family Lawyers, CSA and Social Services not only here in the UK brought to our attention by Simon Anderton on Fathers Day 2008, in Australia 9252 lives have been lost in just the 2 years their Prime Minister Rudd has been in power, and in the US I have learned there is a strong correlation between the increase in suicide by returning service personnel entering the family law court system!
If Solicitors, Barristers and in deed the Judges were truly honorable they would stop an unsuspecting father at their door and say "Don't come in there is nothing here for you!" Until there is a major reform of these laws on a global scale UK, US, Canada and Australia to start with. I would suggest to anyone to boycott solicitors barristers and the whole corrupt process until they truly do begin to serve the children's best interest and to find common ground with parents and not to capitalise on division!
I was so frustrated during the time I was going through the prosess I staged my own one man protest, I called a local radio show got a photo shoot with the local paper and parked my van outside my ex's solicitor's office (Illustrated) with a banner on the front screen. I even had sympathy from the local traffic wardens, they allowed me to park there for 3 hours when it was restricted to just 20 Min's!.......... The only response I received was
"You spelt the word parasites wrong!"
On another occasion I was planned to meet my solicitor and be introduced to the barrister at Grays Inn Road, London (Illustrated). I travelled to Liverpool Street and Bendy-bus (Davey hates public transport) only to be told the appointment was scheduled for their St. Albans Hertfordshire office (a more convenient journey for me) and as they said wait their we will travel down, another hour on the meter for each of them, when I complained I was asked did I think there was a conspiracy? I will let you fill in the blanks with the answer! _ _ _
(Part one: Part two on Friday)
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