Sunday 16 May 2010

Coronation Street and Family Law !

As someone who has watched Coronation Street since the early 60's I can say overall their story lines are the most credible and today cover aspects of Family Law , possibly a little more subtly then I might like, but the only soap to do so!

You may wonder would a mother who is a convicted murderer be able to pursue a claim for custordy for her child even though the child is being cared for by the childs father and new wife? There are cases in the real world where drug dealing mothers are indeed given care of their children when a perfecly good father is on hand to take on the role and responsability! Are Social Services really qualified to judge who is a suitable parent even to foster or adopt when so often it is the same department that is seperating children from their loving Dads (mostly) but less often their mothers, and I have the ironic situation of having my own children withheld by the mother but the local council often send me mailshots on adopting or fostering??
Grandparents have no legal course of redress if they lose contact with their grandchildren, except in extenuating circumstances or money and very rare, just ask Radio Presenter James Whale who devoted a whole chapter to his book and the pain he went through when his son was alienated from his child and as a double whammy at a time James was diagnosed with Cancer!

T.V presenter Gloria Hunniford also campaigns for more involvement of grandparents when parents are having problems as opposed to the involvement of Social Services and something I endorce fully. Perhaps it is the parents that need to be taken to one side , into care if you like rather then the kids , whilst they learn the basics of parental responsability!

Fathers are being seperated
from their children on every Street in the land and around the world, it is called;

Parental Alienation Syndrome!

This can be inflicted by an vengeful mother, but is condoned by the Family Law system, and supported by the erronious mother's extended family who in the eyes of the law are 'civil' whilst the law cannot deal with a caring fathers so seek to 'criminalise' them!

Society could not give a 4X for the father but for the sake of the children and society as a whole there has to be the recognition the reform is long overdue and has to be reformed NOW! Davey

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