The emotive subject of Parental Alienation will be raised here frequently, as I too suffer this heartbreak as we approach the 3rd Christmas I will not see my children, through no fault of theirs
(save standing up to their mother, but it is hard for them as they live with her everyday) and no fault of mine as I fought long and hard to get and achieve a joint residency order and ample regular contact each week to have the whole process unravelled by the very same system that pretends to have "the children's best interest at heart!"
(You have to have a heart in the first place, Judge!) It is like a slow torture as you know you want to be with your child at this crucial time in their lives ( Childhood is relatively short anyway) and what you could prevent now if they wee to get into trouble or the like you may find you are called upon to deal with later in life I call it anticipated regret!
I was also called upon to approve another you tube on this subject which I did before viewing it as I am convinced you would not go the trouble unless you had lived this nightmare and it can now be permanently viewed under my
PAS section to your left see Fighter Mommy!
(Play enclosure link below next to comments)
Thanks Daveyone for featureing my youtube! It's time to bring this issue to the public and show these evil people that we will not go on without a fight. I'm not fighting for myself, I'm fighting for all the innocent children that are victims of this horrible abuse!---Fighter Mommy