Wednesday 11 May 2011

Family Values @

Whilst I believe most right minded folk within our one year old Coalition Government will understand what true family values mean, it is clear that any attempt to improve matters shows they are coming at this emotive subject from the wrong direction.
Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife were dealt a tragic blow through the loss of their son Ivan, who suffered from Ohtohara Syndrome, a rare form of cerebral palsy which must be every loving parents worst nightmare, and I guess many would call me churlish to compare their loss to the loss I feel for my children through the injustice of family court, but is it? I recently attended a parents evening for my eldest son and whilst waiting to speak to a particular teacher found I was sitting next to the mother of one of my son's class mates who in her primary years was diagnosed with leukemia and had spent much of her time in a wheel chair and with drips attached,and looking generally very pale , but always, it seemed, with a smile on her face and chatting to friends. So when I saw her with here mum that evening I remarked how delighted I was to see her looking so much better after all she had gone through, and the mother said yes, but at least whatever she had gone through everyday she was able to hug her daughter and in fact felt for me and what I went through as I could not, it is like a living bereavement when in fact it was the courts inability to enforce a contact order designed to benefit the children and offer them some stability after separation, on the alienating mother!

The signs are promising at, as one of their first acts was to demand a review of all things family law including affiliated agencies by the Ministry of justice under the Chairman ship of Sir David Norgrove. Submissions are being considered until June 23rd 2011 and the findings are expected to be published in the Autumn of this year. I have and will continue to contribute to this review until June and hope, unlike the fears expressed by many of my peers that this could prove to be a whitewash or a fudge that it shows up the facts in an honest and robust manor and better still, enable this Government to act swiftly to reform this erroneous law!

The current draconian family law serves to undermine good caring parents whilst actively condoning alienating mothers and feckless fathers. They send their henchmen in in the form of CSA to persecute so called 'absent' dads who, like me, only live 1/2 a mile down the road and far from seeking some form of conciliation in order to benefit the children as they pretend to do they cause more anxiety and financial strife which only serves to alienate a parent more!

Why are fathers seen as easy targets to be branded criminals when all they want is to contribute to their children's wellbeing?

We need to get away from the 'Animal Farm' style of equality as purveyed by our previous Labour government and fully on display during Mr. Cameron's 'Calm down dear' episode.

Sixty or seventy years ago it may have seemed implausible for a father to leave the foundry or come up out of the mines and be able to offer child care in the home any better then a full time mother and housewife, unless divorced or having suffered a bereavement. In the meantime however women have fought for equality in the workplace as well as being able to raise a family and taking on work that has included top flight careers and in the main on parity with their male counterparts. so why not equality in parenting?

Today fathers are far more sophisticated, being able to mix baby formula, change nappies,prepare their child for school and be there with a reassuring word and hug. Once again from my own experience when my young son was born the mother was offered the opportunity to return to her career after child birth so I adopted a flexible working pattern enabling her to work 3 days in the week whilst I took care of my Son, then I worked the alternative days whilst she was home. I was able to bond with my son feeding him chatting, playing , even taking him to 2 play groups within earshot of Upton Park!

So the solution is clear women have equal opportunities in the workplace 21st century Dad should be afforded the same equalities in his parental responsibilities in the true best interest of the child and not the bogus statements spewd out in Family Court.

Stop making criminals of loving Dads!

Civil enforcement officers should ensure court orders are adhered to by both parents, mothers equally to fathers and penalties imposed on those failing to serve their child's best interest.

I am inspired by the so called 'quiet man' of politics the Rt Hon Iain Duncan- Smith MP and hope he can get his powerful message to the ears of those who can make a difference!

(Click on blog title for even more on this.)

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