(also click on origional blog title if this link fails)
......Just enough to give the JUDGE a treat!
Well I for one have just bought a six pack for 99p from Sainsbury's, but I would urge all of you who have been through the family court nightmare to take a closer look at the proposed review as we only have till
Next Thursday 30th september 2010 to get our cases heard and to be considered even though it will take a further year before there is any chance of reforms in this law. I think it would be most effective if we all sent in our cases (the appropriate confectionary wrapper attatched if you wish) to insure this matter is dealth with more robustly then us battle weary cynics believe possible. I addition write to your own M.P's to have copies sent on to our new Justice Secertary Kenneth Clark, our new DWP Minister Ian Duncan-Smith and Children's Minister Micheal Gove of all the most effective campaigns we can do from our PC and some snail mail this is the one!
This blog was set up to lobby the Ministers, Law Makers and media and the links in the right hand column will take you directly to your M.P. your local BBC and Commercial Radio Stations, Newspapers the lot so they apear to be inviteing us to take part so lets get to it!