As part of the current Family law review there is a call for evidence oppertunity which I would emplore everyone who has been victim to the secret courts injustice to participate in the following are some of the responses I put to the user friendly questionnaire and there is a furhter more 11 page questionnaire here too you can download I will report back when I have done this but once again feel this is our chance so lets not lose it!
Joint residency orders should be the norm with both parents contributing to the children's welfare equally. As it stands Dads are expected to pay for everything which often includes a second home whilst the Mother seem able to access the system including legal aid easier and often more to her advantage then the children's. Equalise the parental responsibility, out law Parental alienation most often committed by the resident parent, and come down harder on those who make false allegations for their own self serving ends rather then the true best interest of the children. Woman generally expect equality in lifestyle choices , in the case of Family Law the pendulum has swung too far the other way and a distinct biased against the father ( occasionally some mothers ) but certainly the good parents are being penalised whilst poor parents know how to swing the judgements in their favour and are condoned by the courts social services and the legal professions!
Greater emphasis should be placed on mediation and less on going to a solicitor and ultimately court. I would suggest £500 legal aid for each parent to include on defined court order so the emphasis is placed on parents to reach a workable solution of care for their children till they are 18 but contact arrangements to become flexible as the children get older as their needs are quite different at the age of 7 or 8 to when they become teenagers!
Once an agreement has been made and a court order is in place this ( unlike today) should be made enforceable so if a parent fails to ad hear to the accepted arrangements they ( Mothers included ) face a penal notice and fine. should either parent seek to change the order they have to pay of their own accord and means, this in my view would give parents at a time of heightened tension a focus to get it right first time and offer a stable environment with boundary's that their children can understand.
Solicitors are solely motivated by money ( Fee earners) they could not care less if you and you partner keep it up for years as they stand to make thousands of pounds from your discord!
Barristers the same applies!
The judge in a family court is in fact protected by the secrecy designed to protect vulnerable children, they are further not compelled to offer a sound judgement as they rely too heavily on spurious testimony from CAFCASS or social worker all too often spiked by the mothers wised not always the child's best interest. I would ask what is the point of a judge in such proceedings?
CAFCASS should be disbanded as they fail the children everyday since Tony Blair dreamed them up some 10 years ago in fact social workers should only be called if there is a definite child welfare issue not just as a matter of course a today the Judges should be able to call upon G.P's ( Family Doctor ) and schools for reports on the child's well being the school sees that child 5 days a week a social worker only takes a snapshot of the child's life sometimes resulting in a child going into care on the flimsiest of reasons.
CAMHS has no place in Family Law proceedings they just do not have that expertise.
Police will arrest a Dad for harassment even though all he has done is turn up for contact on the date and time prescribed by the court. The mother on the other hand will not be arrested for withholding the children on contact times dads are dealt with as 'criminals' whilst mothers are regarded as 'civil' in essence what is the point of a court order that is unenforceable ( on the mother) it is not worth the paper it is written on even if it cost dad £35,000 for the benefit of his children and money he would have rather have spent directly improving the Children's chances in the future!
For the final question I sighted my blog Degree Absolute (It is not a typo I know decree is the term normally used)
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