Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Davey's Birthday Message!

Let's hold this lot to account!

23rd September 2011

We should all bombard the worlds news corporations , and radio phone-ins this day to promote the injustice in Family Law WORLDWIDE!

I am pleased to use social media to raise awareness worldwide on these important issues;
New Zealand: Family Law & CYFS Reform NOW in 2011!
'The Daveyone Project' Re-launch 'the party goes on in 2011!'
Australia: Family Law Reform NOW in 2011 !
Focus on Parental Alienation as Child Abuse!
Family Justice Review : Autumn publication Justice must be served!

all events on 23rd!

Daveyone...Man...Dad....(A Father's)...Protest
Sign us out of the EU NOW!
CPS must reform NOW!
Canada: Family Law Reform NOW in 2011!
USA: Family Court & CPS Reform: 2011
Daveyone's World4Justice:2011 Review!
david cameron and nick clegg please open the family courts & make history !
Luke's Army
Child, Youth and family services (CYF) accountability
Children's Rights
Against Child Violence & Abuse (PARENTAL ALIENATION is Child Abuse)
National Black Ribbon Day

This was number one in the charts on my 15th Birthday

Never did I expect to face the injustice I have 38 years on!

Please explore this blog and click on pictures and blog titles for more including a new e-petition and Canada conversation!

This week presents some challenges for me, in addition to the 19th being 4 years to the day my sons went AWOL, I will have the regret of those lost years for the rest of my life and regret I would not wish on my children, when the blame lies on just one person! At this point I would like to pay tribute to my friend Wee Cheng in Singapore who has raised awareness of Parental Alienation more then anyone else I know and I hope he and I and others will find peace of mind one day!

I was also expected to attend one of three court appearances with the CSA on 21st, but having been given 3 times and 3 locations it transpires the location close to my home was not changed and it remained in Norwich some 2+ hours drive away, so at the 11th hour have to hope I will not be recorded as missing but prepared to be seen another day, just one more episode in the smoke and mirrors world of the CSA!

And to cap it all I will be 53 this Friday Ho Hum, lets make some noise that day and get the media on side!!

I hope the party conference season will not become a good time to publish bad news from the Family Justice Review, and it goes unnoticed!!

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Lest we forget!

Lest we forget!
In the year we saw the last of the World War One ‘Tommy’s’ complete his journey on this earth and many World War Two warriors now considering how many more memorials they will attend especially in foreign lands, we appreciate what their lives and those who did not return stand for in giving us freedom of speech and a quality of life many of us take for granted and my thoughts of my late father a peace loving man facing the horror of war from the rear gunning turret of a Lancaster Bomber. (click on picture to see him arrive in the US) My Dad, Eddie (1921-1990)

Listen to the Children!

Listen to the Children!
click on picture for video

Dad is the WORD!

Dad is the WORD!
Darby Jay has a point doesn't he?

Family Justice review e-petition

Family Justice review e-petition
Sign against it NOW!

Roy Wood

Roy Wood
Tell me a story Minister! There ain't no time left to lose!


Are we all prisoners to ourselves?

You thought you had problems?

Time to fix this broken Family Law!


Has it caught up with us?

Are you Hammer or Anvil?

Are you Hammer or Anvil?
Even authority can become voulnerable when WRONG!

Family Justice Reform?

Family Justice Reform?
Lets work together!

It is all about the children...

It is all about the children...
..even at Buckingham Palace!

Kids......this is a role model!

Kids......this is a role model!
(I once saw Lennox Lewis in Mayfair, a big man not just in statue: Davey)

e-petiton for equal parenting in law!

e-petiton for equal parenting in law!
Not much to ask really!

Kings of Rock (any dispute?) click on Guitar

Kings of Rock (any dispute?) click on Guitar
Status Quo have not expressed their opinion of this site, this is just here for light relief to a heavy subject!

100 years on could this be the fete of our ecomony and democracy?

100 years on could this be the fete of our ecomony and democracy?
Ask Nigel Farage!


I hope so!

Just who exactly do they represent?

The Legacy!

The Legacy!
Daveyone Bows-Out!