Whilst we all congratulate the happy couple on their special day, it occurs to me that we could be missing a trick when it comes to our own campaigns. We want recognition and public awareness of the injustices we have all faced in the family courts or through social services so who better to help us raise awareness then the specialists in publicity the royal Family. As I have often stressed I am a royalist but more for Her majesties immediate family rather then the hangers on so to this end what better chance then to write to Buckingham Palace with our concerns in mass in advance to the Obama's visit to London around the 25th May 2011, simultaneously write to the Whitehouse especially to the First Lady and although the United States are not part of the Commonwealth, as is the case with Singapore and Greece our constitutional monarch does seem to hold some sway and certainly respect from most world leaders.
Whilst the USA leadership will be touring England, the Royal newly weds will be returning from honeymoon in Jordan to embark on a tour of Canada and again I suggest St. James's Palaces and Stephen Harper are brought into the same loop as I have suggested above something that could extend to our own UK premier David Cameron, Julia Gillard and John Key as all Governments Commonwealth or otherwise should at the very least be reviewing their Family Law system as is currently happening throughout 2011 at the Ministry of Justice here in London! Who knows maybe even Rupert Murdoch will help us?
The Princess Royal has been patron of Save the children for many years and HRH Prince Andrew is a great world ambassador so why not get in touch( They always reply!)?
Click on the above blog title to see the latest episode and the blatent PAS threat! Story lines on the worlds longest running soap opera is always on the money as far as exploring social issues are concerned, none less so then the current story line involving Steve McDonald his ex ( Something like mine ) Tracy and their daughter Amy! If you play the above suggested link and view 12 mins into the second half of the show you will see Tracy threatening her ex partner with withholding their daughter from him and little does he know, it seems, she will be able to do this with impunity as the Family Court Judges and Social Workers actively condone Parental Alienation Worldwide!So please help us raise awareness this coming awareness Day Easter Monday 25th April and onwards until this state sponsored child abuse is outlawed and offending parents imprisoned!
As we approach April 25th, Parental Alienation Awareness day, I would like to pose one simple question to all alienaters most often Mothers, but less frequently some Fathers too.http://www.paawareness.org/
Look at the children in your charge and that you continue to deprive access to their so called absent parent and consider this, how would you feel if sometime in the future some one not know to you as yet was to put your son or (less likely) daughter through what you are doing now?
My guess is as a self serving sad individual you probably would not give a 4X, as you clearly do not have your own children's well being at heart, or as the so called legal professionals will say "in your children's best interest !" but consider what desperation leads to a caring, loving and heartbroken parent to do this;
(Click on this blog's title for more on this excellent organisation) As someone who has just entered his 43rd month of Parental Alienation from my beloved children, 19th September 2007 is etched on my mind forever now, and whilst I live with the anticipated regret of those lost years that are stolen for all time, I am also determined that my children will not bare the brunt of responsibility for that regret as it is fairly and squarely laid at the mothers door. ( in my case I know on rare occasions some mothers are alienated also) Feckless Fathers and Self Serving Mothers have a lot to answer for in our broken societies, but time and again the law allows them to get away with it whilst it is left to the good parents to pick up the pieces and salvage some kid of normality from an abnormal and erroneous law! Support the call by this excellent organisation and lets make this awareness worldwide TODAY!
I do not often comment on the activities of paedophiles as in the Family Law industry it can so often be used as a false allegation in divorce/ separation cases as with domestic violence so a parent (most often themother) can get her way in this already biased world!
I went to Watford County Court as it was clear my ex partner and mother to my children was not going to agree to any reasonable settlement unless it was to her financial benefit (not somuch in the best interest of the children) so I sought robust advice and spent most of 2004 to and fro to Watford until October, and in the presence of a CAFCASS worker, was awarded a joint residency order and ample contact so as to offer my children a seamless life between both parents and even provided a second family home equal distance to the schools as the former one. A process that cost me (not legal aid) £35,000 in court fees and ultimately bankrupted me to the tune of £70,000. The Judge on the day was the now retired HHJ Viljon, who reminded me of Mr. Waverly from The Man from Uncle, offered both of us fatherly advice on how to make this order work, but sadly this fell on deaf ears in the case of my EX. With in 2 months she was seeking to disrupt the first Christmas contact and has not stopped to date as I now entre my 43rd month of Parental Alienation. By the Spring of 2005 she had recruited the services of Her Honour Judge Pearl who I believe should be struck off for coming from the Harriet Harmen school of equality and was happy to oblige my ex and unravel the hard fought for court order of the previous year. By this time funds had run out so I relied on a McKenzie friend from FNF the late Ian Mackay who was often ridiculed by this appalling judge and with his vast experience was deeply shocked when a court reporter from Hertfordshire County Council lied under oath so blatantly and Pearl just sat their lapping it up. From then on all my ex had to do was withhold my younger child with the promise of gifts and treats so my elder child felt put out and even guilty if he had to have time with me. ( I recall a minor argument between siblings out in the garden one day which I questioned, and was told my younger child had been given a computer game when he had stayed with his mum but there was no treat for my elder child when he returned) So Pearl, HCC and CAFCASS seemed intent on unravelling all the success achieved in that first year.
By now stony broke, in fact at one point my ex and new partner took possession of my former family home at a peeper corn rate in the same weekend I received a summons saying they were due to repossess the home I had subsequently acquired for my children's best interest, I contacted the legal depart of HCC under the leadership of the afore mentioned Andrew Laycock to seek some understanding of what had happened and why, but I spent days, weeks and eventually months being passed from pillar to post or to the next person who was interested in my case, usually a raw recruit they decided so fob my enquiry off to just to give them experience. Even to this day, and when I made a recent enquiry to County Hall concerned for the welfare of my children following intelligence I had gleaned from a parents evening, I was told "We are no longer involved in your case!" This reminded me of the CAFCASS at Luton one line response which told be not to keep bothering them. Well John Harris Head of CSF at HCC often receives links to my blogs as he will surely get this one with the question;
"Did his head of legal services truly have the children's best interest at heart?"
In the year we saw the last of the World War One ‘Tommy’s’ complete his journey on this earth and many World War Two warriors now considering how many more memorials they will attend especially in foreign lands, we appreciate what their lives and those who did not return stand for in giving us freedom of speech and a quality of life many of us take for granted and my thoughts of my late father a peace loving man facing the horror of war from the rear gunning turret of a Lancaster Bomber. (click on picture to see him arrive in the US) My Dad, Eddie (1921-1990)
Listen to the Children!
click on picture for video
Dad is the WORD!
Darby Jay has a point doesn't he?
Family Justice review e-petition
Sign against it NOW!
Roy Wood
Tell me a story Minister! There ain't no time left to lose!
Are we all prisoners to ourselves?
You thought you had problems?
Time to fix this broken Family Law!
Has it caught up with us?
Are you Hammer or Anvil?
Even authority can become voulnerable when WRONG!
Family Justice Reform?
Lets work together!
It is all about the children...
..even at Buckingham Palace!
Kids......this is a role model!
(I once saw Lennox Lewis in Mayfair, a big man not just in statue: Davey)
e-petiton for equal parenting in law!
Not much to ask really!
Kings of Rock (any dispute?) click on Guitar
Status Quo have not expressed their opinion of this site, this is just here for light relief to a heavy subject!
100 years on could this be the fete of our ecomony and democracy?