Thursday, 21 July 2011

This is my big News (International) !

If my experience of Family Court injustice is replicated in every town, in every county here in the UK, and then throughout the world is it any wonder why society as a whole is imploding on it's self, the terrorist from with in you might call it! Daveyone.

(Click on the blog title for the International Lobby on this)

Having spent £35,000 in family court to attain a joint residency order, 50/50 contact and shared care agreement, in the knowledge that the mother of my children would never act in a conciliatory way, I went on to provide a second family home just 1/2 mile away and close to both schools. I worked in the belief I was doing what was in my children's best interest by showing them stability and a seamless relationship even after separation from their mother.

Jumping through every hoop the Family Justice system had to offer, I went about arranging flexible working opportunities so I was always able to attended for contact and any school function such as parents evenings, sports days, school plays, etc.The whole process put a great stain on me but nonetheless I did my best until the whole process bankrupted me to the tune of £70,000.

My ex was able to capitalise from this by attaining the former family home for a peppercorn rate whilst I had to rely on early access to a private pension fund to avoid my own home being repossessed. I was advised of both these arrangement in the same days post in 2005.

Today I noted the former family home which was marketed in the local paper/estate agents has now been sold and as this is now mortgage free shall benefit my ex and her new partner to the tune of £240,000 whilst the CSA continues to purse me for £7,000 in back payments. They fail to consider all the expenditure I have encured over the past 7 years or indeed the fact my ex has wilfully withheld my children for almost 4 years knowing this rates her as a single parent with sole care and can make the most of all the system has to offer in legal aid and CSA support. I once again stand to lose my home and few possessions!


Before Mr. Cameron takes a pop at feckless fathers maybe he should also consider the self serving mothers who fail to have their children's best interest at heart!!

As part of my One Man Dad protest, it is clear to me that it is probably now too late to restore any form of relationship with my lost boys, but I am more then happy to highlight my experience's which I believe are among the worst in Family Justice and too this end would seek to focus the world's attention on all the dads, families and crucially the seldom heard children affected by this injustice. At this slow news time I am also happy for the Murdoch empire to be used to publish our stories worldwide until justice is served!

Monday, 18 July 2011

Claire's Law; OK but beware of the pitfalls!

(please click on blog title for more on this)
Whilst responding to the Mail on Sunday lead story 17/7/11 Clares Law, I would acknowledge there has to be safeguards in place when taking a chance of meeting someone through the Internet, but commonsense should prevail in any situation for an experienced adult and even more rigorously for children, however this may be seen to undermine their human rights. Safety and parental responsibility should overrule this in such cases.

I can also understand the outcry for a new law that would follow such a heinous crime, but this should not solely be aimed at violent men!

I had hope with the demise of the Labour Government a more pragmatic approach would be adopted by this Tory lead coalition but it seems clear that from David Cameron's attack on so called absent dads on father's day there will be more feminist biased as purveyed by messers Harman, Greer and Blears..
What I object to is the biased leaning of Clare's Law, would it be possible with our overstretched cops to provide such information on violent men or as I would advocate on women too, after all in this age of equality, George Orwell's or otherwise, it should be the case!
Why? Well my indirect findings from 7 years research in the Family Justice system here in the UK and globally has shown that just as many women commit violence on men as the stereotypical man does this most often in the arena of domestic violence in the confines of the home and what is more I have found more women commit abuse against children then men not only physical by psychological abuse too. This manifests it's self most commonly in the form of Parental Alienation; This is when one parent, (most often the mother), uses here children as weapons, tools or bargaining chips to gain what she wants in Family court, legal aid or CSA. The Father is all too often left helpless and broke.

What happened to a mother's maternal instinct when she is prepared to mess with the short span of time that is child hood.

I contribute to a campaign originated in Australia; National Black Ribbon Day which aims to highlight domestic violence against men and suicides. Staying in Australia some 15,972 men have taken their lives as a result of the unjust system purveyed by the CSA and this is only since Nov 2007 when Kevin Rudd came to power and there is little sign of change under Julia Gillard. It is likely that numbers in Canada and the UK are double that and in the USA it is over 100,000 per year where the correlation has been made between returning service personnel coming home to a violent or abusive situation or finding their former partners have left taking children and home with them!I would also warn most vehemently against false allegations.
This too is weapon in a woman's arsenal for her benefit and the authorities will go into overdrive to prove this to be true when it is a spiteful lie that could have a catastrophic out come not only on the man but the family as a whole. Courts lap it up when what started as a regular family argument escalates to even just an item of furniture or some other inanimate object getting broken this too is deemed as violence and you guessed it once again it is the man who will take the wrap even if the woman instigated, provoked or even committed physical violence on this occasion. False allegations also undermine the true cases of violence and no right minded person should condone this practice.

Friday, 15 July 2011

A good day for bad news!

14th July was a tough day for me as it was the 12th Birthday of my youngest son whom the mother has willfully with held since 19th September 2007 (Parental Alienation), so the fact I was able to hand him a birthday card on his way to school ( with my car parked on the obligatory service station with CCTV) was a double edged sword, as I was glad he appeared OK, his school reports suggest he is doing fine as does the knowledge that he and his team mates had won the local under 12's football league this past season. I was also able on that day to wave to my eldest son who at 15 I barely recognise,but I still had to drive away with that deep feeling of loss almost like a hunger in the pit of my stomach. Why ,when I had done all the right things in Family court was I now here in this isolated place?

This morning I heard Yasmin Alibhai-Brown of The Independent suggest to Nick Ferrari on LBC,suggest there were more important news items to discuss then the ongoing 'Good day for bad news' story that is Murdoch! I had to agree as I believe it is now that Family Justice reform should be top of the news agenda and to some degree was heartened by the other Murdoch stable mate The Times that seemed able to question the current role the press has in advising the public and indeed Camilla Cavendish who for many years has written extensively on Family Law asks in the 14th July edition; 'Will this judge really be on the people's side?' Referring to Lord Justice Leverson who is to investigate Murdoch/Hackingate, she goes on to say; If regulation of the press is too tight it will benefit the corrupt and overpowerful - not the ordinary citizens. I say in light of the Murdoch revelations and David Cameron's extreme efforts to bring the complaints against the Press, Police and indeed the Politicians out in the open, I wish he would show such vigor when it comes to Family Justice which for some time I have regarded as the terrorist from within that undermines children, their families and society as a whole!

MPs demand rethink on allowing media into the family courts: planned access "conflicts with child privacy rights"

14th July 2011
The Justice Select Committee has concluded that provisions in the Children, Schools and Families Act to allow the media into the family courts should be abolished due to conflict with a child's rights to privacy and to have his or her voice heard before decisions are taken that affect his or her life. The report also warns that legal aid cuts will result in more people going to court without lawyers.

Frances Gibb

Times, July 14, 2011, 18. Also reported in Herald, July 14, 2011 (Online edition); Belfast Telegraph, July 14, 2011 (Online edition)


As reported by Francis Gibb in the same days edition of the Times, we now see the very same MPs in the form of Sir Alan Beth MP seeking to censor family courts once again ( Camilla Cavendish was in fact on of the first reporters allowed into a court in Ipswich to reveal it's workings) when there is nothing stopping a judge from putting the same safeguards in place for sensitive family courts as they do in criminal court such as Child A, Child B or Family XYZ and where appropriate a reference number could be issued to the press where regulated issues may be addressed and allowed into the public domain, but the censor really has a more sinister reason as does the whole ethos of these secret courts and that is to protect the failing Family court Judges who all too often are able to use court reporters from CAFCASS or the Social Services as scapegoats when they get is wrong and their final judgements prove irreversible and a disaster for the children and families involved!

I was however heartened to find this Click on blog title for more on this;
Then there is tragedy such as this that the system let through their fingers. It is time that society realises that mother's do not always know best an father too should be heard

So as for the 14th July, on a day that should have been marked with celebration for me with my sons , I was later to learn in the local press that my former family home that has housed my children for much of their young lives is to be sold, and probably a name change will finally secure that nail in the coffin of these past 7 years of family law hell!

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Would you criminalise your Dad?

I certainly would not have...........

but that is exactly what the UK family justice system is doing to Dave Hawksworth
(click this blogs title for more on his story) and having handed my son his birthday card for tomorrow after almost 4 years of PAS. I could be following Dave into jail,
especially as I have now had a CSA Liability order against me without any course
of redress to show my situation
(clear to all via my blogs)

Thursday, 7 July 2011

CSA beyond the law because we do not complain enough!

How can I have complied with all that was expected of me as a caring father.....

.........only to find the authorities still want more and have pushed me through hoops I would not have thought possible...

...they still intend to make this dad into a criminal, in spite of trying to do what I believed was in the true best interest of my children.... a respondent or defendent you normally have a right to appeal........

...but evidently not in the case of the CSA who take matters to court and bring their own outcome, is it not time to stop this and fight for justice in this still further aspect of this erronious law?

Lest we forget!

Lest we forget!
In the year we saw the last of the World War One ‘Tommy’s’ complete his journey on this earth and many World War Two warriors now considering how many more memorials they will attend especially in foreign lands, we appreciate what their lives and those who did not return stand for in giving us freedom of speech and a quality of life many of us take for granted and my thoughts of my late father a peace loving man facing the horror of war from the rear gunning turret of a Lancaster Bomber. (click on picture to see him arrive in the US) My Dad, Eddie (1921-1990)

Listen to the Children!

Listen to the Children!
click on picture for video

Dad is the WORD!

Dad is the WORD!
Darby Jay has a point doesn't he?

Family Justice review e-petition

Family Justice review e-petition
Sign against it NOW!

Roy Wood

Roy Wood
Tell me a story Minister! There ain't no time left to lose!


Are we all prisoners to ourselves?

You thought you had problems?

Time to fix this broken Family Law!


Has it caught up with us?

Are you Hammer or Anvil?

Are you Hammer or Anvil?
Even authority can become voulnerable when WRONG!

Family Justice Reform?

Family Justice Reform?
Lets work together!

It is all about the children...

It is all about the children...
..even at Buckingham Palace!

Kids......this is a role model!

Kids......this is a role model!
(I once saw Lennox Lewis in Mayfair, a big man not just in statue: Davey)

e-petiton for equal parenting in law!

e-petiton for equal parenting in law!
Not much to ask really!

Kings of Rock (any dispute?) click on Guitar

Kings of Rock (any dispute?) click on Guitar
Status Quo have not expressed their opinion of this site, this is just here for light relief to a heavy subject!

100 years on could this be the fete of our ecomony and democracy?

100 years on could this be the fete of our ecomony and democracy?
Ask Nigel Farage!


I hope so!

Just who exactly do they represent?

The Legacy!

The Legacy!
Daveyone Bows-Out!